Friday, January 24, 2014


What is your computer experience?
I've mainly used the computer for games and making videos.
I like making amv's but i haven't gotten a pro's program as of yet, I really want to get the best one I can get for what I do. I want to use photoshop with that too.

What is your experience with Photoshop and Illustrator?
I have no experience with it at all. it will be my first time.
Do you have a computer at home? If so dose it have Photoshop and Illustrator?
Yes I have a computer at home, a pc, but no it doesn't have photoshop or illustrator.
What is your major ?
I really don't know what having a major means yet but I'm pretty sure my major is graphic design.
What do you hope to get out of this class?
HOw to use photoshop, Illustrator, adobe flash, pretty much as many programs as i can. Who is your favorite artist?
I forget his name but it's the man who specializes in abstract art, who's ear he cut off.Who is your favorite musician? 
So many artists, i love music so that's hard. But I like artists from Emilie autumn to P!nk, to Breaking Benjamen, to NAOKI. But I really like music that has a nice tempo and beatTell me something interesting about yourself?
I like making Amv's (animated music videos), i love anime, manga, video games (specifically jrpg's) I love to be creative and imaginitive, I really like to doodle and draw though I'm not very good at it, YET. I have 4 years of culinary and baking experience. 

Write a five line story?

There once was a story about a story that a little boy once read. The boy was puzzled about the fact that the story he was reading was about another story. He asked his grandmother about the strange book he was reading and asked, "Grandma, why is the story about another story, shouldn't be about it's own story?" The grandmother just chuckled and said to her little boy, " Ho ho, well, it really doesn't matter who's story the book is telling the story, as long as the story gets told."

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