Friday, March 14, 2014

My movie wound be about me being pulled into the slenderman game and trying to survive long enough to either get out of the game or figure out what happened for this to happen.

My name is Brandi and I was chosen for this game simulator where the player feels as though they are in the game and that they are that main character. So, I go and we are playing Slender and we start to the classic black title screen. By the way, the way to play slender is that in this dark forest area we have to collect 8 pages, or pieces of paper, with warnings about the slenderman on them, without seeing the slenderman. If you see him, you will have a certain amount of seconds to look away and run depending on how close you are to him. If you gather al 8 pages that are scattered around the forest, you win. If you see slenderman for too long or too close, you lose. You die, essentially. We start playing and all of a sudden, there's this burst of light and the sound of static blares through out the whole place. Apparently someone had already lost and we all thought that was why it stared to bug out like that. So we keep playing, and I start to search the building, where everyone is suppose to go, and find the dead player's...remains. When I screamed and shouted that this wasn't cool, I got no response, even though the people in charge of this were suppose to respond to everything we said, since the protagonist is a silent protagonist, thus not suppose to talk. So now, we started with 10 players, and now 3 are dead, just lying around, and this is starting to get freaky, since I've already gotten 3 pages. What is going on? Someone help please? Please?

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